3 Anxiety Coping Skills for Kids

Coping skills are essential tools for kids to manage overwhelming emotions and stress. While deep breathing is often suggested, it can be challenging for children in the heat of the moment.

Hi, I’m Alysha Menkis, and in this article, I share three engaging and effective coping strategies that can help your child relax and refocus.


Squeeze It Out


Stress balls and playdough are fantastic for releasing tension. But what if you don’t have either? No problem!

Kids can squeeze their hands together or even your hands. Encourage them to squeeze as hard as they can. Not only does this physical release help reduce anxiety, but it’s also a great way to build strength and confidence.


Hunt It Down


Engage your child’s senses with a fun game. Focus on one sense at a time, like sight.

Challenge them to find everything blue in the room. If they struggle, playfully point out something that isn’t blue and insist it is.

This playful interaction often distracts them from their anxiety and helps shift their focus.


Get Moving


Physical activity is a powerful anxiety-buster. Encourage your child to go for a short walk or run. The burst of energy can help them feel less anxious and more energized.


Remember, these coping skills are just a starting point. Consistent practice and positive reinforcement are key.

Combining these techniques with other therapeutic approaches can significantly reduce the intensity of worries and fears.

By incorporating these fun and engaging strategies into your child’s life, you can empower them to manage anxiety and build resilience.


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